Channel: TVLine
Category: Entertainment
Tags: fbi missy peregrym leaving the showfbi maggie and oafbi maggie gets shotfbi season 4fbi season 5fbi missy peregrym coming backfbi cbsmaggie and oaoafbi maggie gets hurttvlinemaggiefbi missy peregrym pregnantpoison gasmaggie bellfbi 4x18episode 18missy peregrym pregnantfbifbi maggie poisonedmissy peregrymfbi maggie bellcbsmaggie poison gasfbi missy peregrymoa saves maggiefbi maggiefear nothingfbi season 4 finale
Description: The CBS series’ showrunner explains why we’re losing a key team member, and for how long. Spoilers ahead for Season 4, Episode 18: "Fear Nothing." #FBICBS Follow TVLine on... Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: